Defibrillators are devices which are used to correct an abnormal heart rhythm, by sending a shock to the heart in order to get it back to a normal heartbeat. When the heart is in this condition is "fibrillating" (the noun is "fibrillation"). The defibrillator is going to stop this fibrillation. It does this with an electric shock, that date the heart cardiac defibrillators and permits to "reboot" and recalibrate to a stable rhythm.
Biasanya Defibrillator juga disebut dengan DC shock, karena alat ini menggunakkan tenaga DC dari baterai untuk mengeluarkan tenaga kejut / electrical shock dalam satuan joule. Nah kalau alat medis yang ada di ruangan-ruangan itu namanya External Defibrillator.
An internal defibrillator is a small, battery powered electrical impulse generator that is implanted in patients who are at risk for sudden cardiac arrest. They provide an electrical shock to the heart during periods of irregular heartbeat, and can save someone’s life. Internal defibrillators sense intrinsic cardiac electric potentials, and then send electrical impulses if the potentials are either too infrequent of absent, due to a problem with the patient’s heart. The electrical pulses stimulate the myocardial contraction, which causes the heart to beat at a normal rhythm.
Ada juga istilah implant defibrillator yang disebut dengan Internal Defibrillator yaitu DC shock kecil yang ditanam (baca: dimasukkan) pada tubuh pasien yang akan bekerja bila mendeteksi adanya kontraksi kritis pada jantung pasien sehingga jantung dapat berdetak sesuai dengan irama normalnya. Disebut juga dengan AICD (Automated Implantable Cardioveter Defibrillator) atau biasa juga disebut dengan Pacemaker.
An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), also known as an automated implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD), is a small battery-powered electrical impulse generator which is implanted in patients who are at risk of sudden cardiac death due to ventricular fibrillation.
Attention :
- Perhatikan apakah defibrillator dalam status arm atau disarm, letakkan paddle pada posisi yang benar.
- Sebaiknya bersihkan gel pada paddle setelah defib dipakai, pastikan unit dalam kondisi off.
Perawatan Unit :
- Kebersihan fisik alat
- Test Baterai Lifetime, recharging
- Test shock, recalibration
- Other
Reference :
- Principle of Defibrillator
- Defibrillator at Scribd
- ICD how does
- Device Link
- Pacemaker
- Earl Bakken
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